Thursday, August 21, 2008

you are at the top of my lungs.

my closest friends have been making appearances in my dreams lately.
two nights ago aimee was on a t.v. show in my dream, and when i got off work (in real life) she called me.
two nights ago joe was telling me about his job, and i dreamt he took a new one.
last night i was telling nicholas about mine and rose's friendship and how her madtv stuart impression was one of the occurences that solidified our relationship.!. so, i dreamt of her. i sent her an email this morning.
...the kicker was my dream about laura. they just get more and more real. and i don't know how to feel about it. i remember when i wake up and all i want is to curl up and not leave my bed until she comes back.
i forget most of it and the situation in the dream, but i do remember at the end i told her that i really missed talking to her and i have a lot of things that i want to ask her.

then i asked her if she could just come in my dreams more so we could still talk.


1 comment:

jenna said...