when i was growing up, my dad and mom each got a week vacation with bobby and i. whenever we would leave, i would always cry because i didn't want to be far away from the other parent, let alone for that long.
in three days, we(tims) leave for los angeles and we'll be there two weeks. along with being away from my dad and brother for that long, i have some amazing people in my life that i'm kind of dreading being away from for that long-- namely two girls, one boy, and my husbands. forunately the band will be together, and we all rule.
also, we will be staying with my brother geoff, so if i'm going to be away from my columbus home, the next best place i would like to be would be my home in los angeles.
these photos sum up the past couple of weeks. i did my best to display them in chronological order.

idk my bff mom.

my best friend, mj, on her birthday.

noteworthy: nick manos' face.

pre pride parade breakfast!

happy pride, daddy!

post pride parade breakfast!

so happy to see them! brother brian and emily!

pre-show on sunday.

sunday evening betty's date.

errands with joe on monday.
your teeth are perfect.
your dad is the cutest ever.
you & jenna are pretty cute too.
i hope you have an awesome and safe trip!
please hump elliott's wall for me if you're around there.
Andi it's Abbey and I now have a blog on here because Jenna made me.
I'm adding you!
I hope you have a good trip to LA!
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